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Nutrient-packed date and almond energy balls

These energy balls are more than just a delicious snack; they are a large dose of energy, vitamins, and minerals. Dates, the naturally sweet fruit, are rich in potassium which helps regulate blood pressure, and fiber that enhances digestion. They also contain a variety of vitamins, such as B vitamins, which contribute to energy production. Almonds are an excellent source of healthy fats that protect the heart and blood vessels, and are packed with vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Oats provide fiber that helps keep you feeling full for longer periods and lowers bad cholesterol levels. Here are simple steps to prepare them.


  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

Preparation Method:

  1. In a large food processor, add the pitted dates, almonds, oats, peanut butter, and vanilla.
  2. Blend the ingredients well until they are combined and form a soft dough.
  3. Shape the dough into small balls the size of walnuts, then place them on a serving tray lined with parchment paper.
  4. Refrigerate the balls for 1 to 2 hours to firm up and cool completely.

Additional Information:

  • You can add other nuts, such as pistachios or coconut, as desired for extra flavors.
  • The energy balls can be decorated with cocoa powder or shredded coconut before serving to give them an attractive appearance.

Enjoy preparing these date and almond energy balls as a healthy and nutritious snack suitable for the whole family, and serve them whenever you feel hungry or need an energy boost.

Note: This date and almond energy ball recipe is suitable for those looking for a healthy, energy-filled snack and is an ideal choice for vegetarians or those following specific diets. However, it is not suitable for individuals who may be sensitive to nuts or allergic to dates.



Pitted Dates

  • Calories: Approximately 277 calories per cup (200 grams)
  • A rich source of vitamins like vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and iron
  • The fiber in dates helps improve digestion and promote feelings of fullness.
  • Potassium in dates helps regulate blood pressure, which protects the heart.


  • Calories: Approximately 394 calories per cup (143 grams)
  • Contains monounsaturated fats, a type of healthy fat that helps lower bad cholesterol levels.
  • The protein in almonds promotes feelings of fullness and contributes to muscle building.
  • Contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage, along with many other minerals.


  • Calories: Approximately 154 calories per cup (156 grams)
  • The fiber in oats helps lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and increase feelings of fullness.
  • Provides long-lasting energy due to its content of complex carbohydrates.
  • Rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from diseases.

Peanut Butter

  • Calories: Approximately 188 calories per tablespoon (16 grams)
  • Rich in protein and monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health.
  • Contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E and magnesium.
  • The protein and fats in peanut butter help you feel full longer.


  • Calories: Approximately 12 calories per teaspoon (4.2 grams)
  • Adds a pleasant and distinctive flavor to foods without adding significant calories.
  • Contains antioxidants that help protect cells from damage.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Has antimicrobial properties.
  • The scent of vanilla may help improve mood and reduce stress.
Kirolos Reda

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