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How to Make a Refreshing Lemon and Mint Drink

On hot summer days, nothing is better than a refreshing and nutritious drink that cools the body and lifts the spirits, like mint lemon drink. This beverage combines the sweetness of lemon, rich in Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and fights viruses, with aromatic mint leaves that have soothing properties, improving digestion and relieving stress. Adding ice cubes for extra refreshment and sugar to taste to balance the flavor, this drink becomes the perfect choice at any time. Simple ingredients provide you with a drink full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs, making every summer day unforgettable

عصير الليمون و بصوص النعناع

Mint Lemon Drink Recipe:


  1. 4 lemons
  2. A few sprigs of mint leaves only
  3. Sugar to taste
  4. 2 cups of water
  5. Ice cubes

Preparation Method:

  1. Wash the lemons thoroughly and cut them into quarters.
  2. In a blender, add the chopped lemons, mint leaves, sugar to taste, and water.
  3. Blend the ingredients well until the mixture becomes smooth.
  4. Strain the mixture to remove any residue and pour it into glasses.
  5. Add ice cubes to the glasses to chill.
  6. Optionally, garnish the glasses with lemon slices or mint leaves before serving.
  7. Serve and enjoy this refreshing and delicious drink.

Bon Appétit!

عصير الليمون و النعناع

Warning: It is recommended to avoid this recipe if you suffer from acidity or mint allergies, as well as if you are following a diet that requires reducing sugar intake.

Health Benefits:

Lemon: Rich in Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and acts as an antioxidant. It also helps improve skin health and protect it from wrinkles. Lemon aids digestion and detoxifies the body.

Mint: Contains soothing properties that help relieve stomach pains and bloating, as well as calm the nerves and improve breathing due to its menthol content.

Sugar: Provides quick energy for the body, and the amount can be adjusted according to need.

Water: Plays a key role in hydrating the body and enhancing its vital functions.

Ice Cubes: Help cool and hydrate the body, making the drink ideal on hot days.

Nutritional Values:

Lemon (4 pieces):

  • Calories: Approximately 60-80 calories (depending on the size of the lemon)
  • Vitamin C: Contains about 50-60 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Fiber: Contains about 2 grams of fiber
  • Minerals: Contains small amounts of potassium and calcium

Mint (1 sprig of mint):

  • Calories: About 1-2 calories per mint leaf (small quantity)
  • Vitamin A: Contains small amounts of Vitamin A
  • Menthol: Contains menthol, which has soothing properties for the stomach and nerves

Sugar (to taste):

  • Calories: 16 calories per teaspoon of sugar (5 grams)
  • Sugar content: Varies based on the amount used

Water (2 cups):

  • Calories: 0 calories
  • Rich in minerals like magnesium and calcium but in small amounts

Ice Cubes:

  • Calories: 0 calories (contains no essential nutrients except water)


  • Calories: Depends on the amount of sugar used, but without sugar, the drink is low in calories. On average, with added sugar, the drink may contain around 60-100 calories.
Kirolos Reda

مرحبا بكم اسمي كيرلس رضا و لدي شغف بالمطبخ و ابتكار وصفات جديدة و معرفة كل المعلومات حول الطعام وكيفية الاستفادة من الطعام و الفاكهة ل بناء نظام صحي مفيد لصحة الانسان و لذلك قررت نشر كل ما لدي من الخبرة و تجارب علي هذه المدونة لكم و اتمني ان يكون هذه المعلومات مفيدة لكم

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