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Let's Try Homemade Peach Ice Cream

Let's try the natural peach ice cream recipe, which will be your perfect choice for hot summer days! With 100% natural ingredients, like fresh local peaches and heavy cream, we offer you a unique and refreshing taste, with the addition of diet sugar to suit all diets. This ice cream contains amazing benefits for the body thanks to the peaches, which are rich in vitamins like Vitamin C that boosts immunity and Vitamin A that maintains eye health, in addition to the cream, which is rich in protein and calcium. Try the recipe and enjoy a natural and healthy taste at the same time! This ice cream features the natural, refreshing taste of peaches, and you can easily make it at home using fresh peaches and a few ingredients. Enjoy it as a refreshing snack or serve it as a delicious option after dinner.

ايس كريم طبيعي


  1. 3/4 kg of fresh local peaches
  2. Diet sugar, to taste
  3. 1/2 cup of lemon juice
  4. 4 cups of heavy cream
  5. 1/2 cup of water
  6. 1 tablespoon of vanilla
  7. 6 egg yolks

ايس كريم خوخ

Preparation Method:

  1. Wash the peaches and cut them into small pieces. Place them in a pot with water and lemon juice, and bring to a boil.
  2. Let it cook until the peaches are tender, then add the diet sugar, stirring continuously until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Remove from heat and let it cool slightly, then place in the fridge for a few hours.
  4. Whisk the egg yolks with the additional sugar and place on low heat or in a double boiler, stirring until the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens slightly. Then, add vanilla to make the custard.
  5. Pour the custard into a bowl and let it cool, then refrigerate for an hour.
  6. Pour the cold peach mixture into the custard bowl, then add the whipped cream (2 cups). Pour the mixture into a mold, cover with aluminum foil, and refrigerate for several hours.
  7. Whisk again using an electric mixer, then pour into a mold and refrigerate until it freezes. Serve cold.

Note: This recipe is suitable for those who love natural peach-flavored ice cream, but not for those with allergies to any of the ingredients, such as eggs or dairy.

Health Benefits:

  • Local Peaches: Rich in Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, and antioxidants that fight free radicals, helping to maintain healthy skin and hair.
  • Heavy Cream: A good source of proteins and calcium, promoting bone and teeth health, and aiding in muscle building.
  • Diet Sugar: A low-calorie alternative to traditional sugar, suitable for weight management diets, and does not raise blood sugar levels.
  • Lemon Juice: Contains Vitamin C and improves digestive health, as well as aiding fat-burning processes.
  • Vanilla: Has antibacterial properties and helps improve mood and relaxation.
  • Eggs: Rich in proteins and vitamins like Vitamin D and B12, promoting healthy hair and skin.

These ingredients make the natural peach ice cream a delicious and healthy option at the same time.

Nutritional Values and Calories:

  • Local Peaches (3/4 kg): 
    Calories: About 300-350 calories (depending on size and type). 
    Rich in fiber and vitamins such as Vitamin C and Vitamin A.
  • Diet Sugar (as per taste): 
    Calories: Very few or zero, depending on the type of diet sugar used. For example, if using erythritol or stevia, the calories are near zero.
  • Lemon Juice (1/2 cup): 
    Calories: Around 10-15 calories. 
    Rich in Vitamin C.
  • Heavy Cream (4 cups): 
    Calories: Around 1600-1800 calories (depending on the fat content of the cream). 
    Contains saturated fats, and is a rich source of protein and calcium.
  • Water (1/2 cup): 
    Calories: 0 calories. 
    Contains no calories but is essential for hydrating the ingredients.
  • Vanilla (1 teaspoon): 
    Calories: Around 12-15 calories (if natural vanilla). 
    Contains antioxidant and calming compounds.
  • Eggs (6 yolks): 
    Calories: Around 330-360 calories. 
    Rich in proteins, vitamins like B12, Vitamin D, and healthy fats.

Total Approximate Calories: 
When combining all these ingredients, the ice cream will contain approximately 2250-2500 calories (depending on the exact quantities and the type of diet sugar used). The calories are distributed based on the number of servings prepared from the recipe.

Nutritional Benefits:

  • Protein: From eggs and heavy cream.
  • Vitamins and minerals: From peaches, lemon juice, and eggs.
  • Fiber: From peaches.
  • Antioxidants: From peaches, vanilla, and lemon juice.

This recipe is a nutrient-rich option but should be consumed in moderation, especially due to the heavy cream and egg content.

Please note that the exact values depend on the quantities of ingredients used in the recipe.

Kirolos Reda

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