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Simple Exercises While Sitting at a Computer

It is well known that sitting for long periods in front of a computer can lead to various health issues such as back and neck pain, in addition to its effects on blood circulation. However, by practicing simple and easy exercises while sitting, we can alleviate these effects and improve overall health. The following exercises are designed to be easy and can be performed while working on the computer, helping to stimulate blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and enhance body flexibility. The benefits won't be limited to feeling comfortable, but they will also contribute to preventing injuries associated with prolonged sitting.

Detailed Steps for Exercises While Sitting at a Computer:

  • To assist individuals who sit for long periods in front of a computer, these exercises help alleviate pain and improve blood circulation:
  1. Neck Rotation Exercise:

    • Duration: 1-2 minutes
    • Repetition: 2-3 times daily
    • How to Perform: Sit upright and slowly move your head in a full circle counterclockwise, then clockwise.
  2. Shoulder Lift Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds
    • Repetition: 3 times per shoulder
    • How to Perform: Lift your shoulders upward toward your ears as much as possible, then slowly lower them.
  3. Arm Stretching Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-20 seconds
    • Repetition: 3 times
    • How to Perform: Stretch your arms forward and clasp your hands together, then push forward slowly until you feel a stretch in your shoulders and back. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax.
  4. Torso Twisting Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds per side
    • Repetition: 2-3 times per side
    • How to Perform: Sit upright and place your hands on your waist. Slowly twist your torso to the right side, then return to the original position and repeat on the left side.
  5. Leg Extension Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds
    • Repetition: 3 times
    • How to Perform: Extend your legs forward and keep them stretched for 10 seconds, then slowly lower them.
  1. Wrist Rotation Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds
    • Repetition: 2-3 times for each wrist
    • How to Perform: Raise your arms and stretch your hands forward, then move your wrists in small circles.
  2. Knee Lifting Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds per knee
    • Repetition: 2-3 times for each knee
    • How to Perform: Lift your right knee toward your chest while keeping your left foot on the ground, then lower it and repeat with the left knee.
  3. Back Press Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds
    • Repetition: 3 times
    • How to Perform: Sit upright and place your hands behind your head, then push your back forward while keeping it straight.
  4. Ankle Rotation Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds per ankle
    • Repetition: 2-3 times for each ankle
    • How to Perform: Slightly lift your right foot off the ground and rotate your ankle in circles.
  5. Finger Stretch Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds
    • Repetition: 3 times
    • How to Perform: Stretch your fingers forward and clasp them together, then press your fingers forward until you feel the stretch. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax.
  6. Back Strengthening Exercise:

    • Duration: 10-15 seconds
    • Repetition: 3 times
    • How to Perform: Sit upright and place your hands on your knees, then push your back forward while keeping it straight.
  7. Relaxation Exercise:

    • Duration: 1-2 minutes
    • Repetition: 2-3 times daily
    • How to Perform: Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds, then exhale slowly.

Repeating these exercises regularly can help reduce stress and fatigue caused by prolonged sitting.

Mazen Essam

مرحبا بكم معي اسمي مازن عصام امتلك شغفًا كبيرًا بفنون الطهي. اتميز بمهارات في إعداد الأطباق التقليدية والعصرية بطريقة مبتكرة وشهية. ارغب في مشاركة وصفات ونصائح القيمة للاحتفاظ بالخضروات و الفاكهة طازجة لأطول وقت معكم ، و اساهم في إلهام محبي الطبخ وتجربة نكهات جديدة. تابعوا لتتعرفوا على أسرار الطهي و طرق الاحتفاظ بيها لأطول فترات ممكنة

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