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Orange Coconut Cookies

Orange-flavored coconut biscuits are an ideal choice for enjoying a delicious taste and multiple health benefits. This biscuit combines fiber- and vitamin-rich coconut with orange, which provides the body with the essential vitamin C needed to boost immunity and protect the skin. Coconut biscuits are a tasty treat with a rich coconut flavor, giving them a unique taste loved by everyone. This biscuit is a good source of energy thanks to its natural ingredients, which contribute to improving digestion and energizing the body. The combination of orange with coconut adds a refreshing flavor, making it a favorite choice for both adults and children.

Coconut biscuits are also a great option for vegans, as they can be easily modified to suit their diet. By replacing some ingredients with plant-based alternatives such as coconut oil and almond or coconut milk, vegans can enjoy this delicious biscuit without worrying about non-vegan ingredients. The biscuit has a crunchy exterior and a soft interior, making it the perfect choice to enjoy with tea, coffee, or as a snack at any time.


  1. 6 cups of flour
  2. 1 and a half cups of sugar
  3. Half a cup of oil
  4. 8 tablespoons of coconut
  5. A packet of baking powder
  6. 1 cup of orange juice (or water)

بسكوت جوز الهند

Preparation Method:

  1. Mix the oil, sugar, and orange juice (or water) in a bowl and whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Sift the flour and add the baking powder and coconut.
  3. Add the flour mixture to the oil, sugar, and orange juice mixture, then knead well until a firm dough forms.
  4. Shape the dough as desired, whether into balls or different shapes, then place them on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at medium temperature for 15 minutes or until the biscuits turn golden.

Suggested Additions:

  1. You can add a teaspoon of vanilla to the mixture to give it a distinctive flavor.
  2. You can add half a cup of grated chocolate or small chocolate chips to the dough for a unique taste.
  3. You can sprinkle some brown sugar on top before baking to give the biscuits extra crunch.
  4. You can add grated orange zest to give it a refreshing and distinctive flavor.

بسكوت جوز الهند بنكهة البرتقال


This recipe is suitable for those who love simple desserts and do not have allergies to coconut or gluten. However, it is not suitable for people with nut, coconut, or gluten allergies, or those following a sugar-free or low-fat diet. Please ensure the ingredients are appropriate for your dietary needs before preparing.

Health Benefits of Ingredients:

  • Flour: A rich source of carbohydrates that provide the body with the necessary energy. It also contains minerals like iron and magnesium, which support bone health.
  • Sugar: While sugar provides quick energy to the body, it is best used in moderation to avoid negative effects on blood sugar levels.
  • Oil: Contains healthy fats that enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A and D. It also helps improve skin and hair health.
  • Coconut: Rich in fiber, which aids digestion and contributes to gut health. It also contains healthy fats that improve cholesterol levels and support heart health.
  • Baking Powder: Helps raise the dough appropriately, making the biscuit crisp and light.
  • Orange Juice: Rich in Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and maintains skin health. It also helps in the absorption of iron and acts as an antioxidant to fight free radicals.

Nutritional Values and Calories:

  • Flour (1 cup, about 120g):
    • Calories: 455 kcal
    • Protein: 13g
    • Fat: 1.2g
    • Carbohydrates: 95g
  • Sugar (1 cup, about 200g):
    • Calories: 774 kcal
    • Protein: 0g
    • Fat: 0g
    • Carbohydrates: 200g
  • Oil (1 cup, about 218g):
    • Calories: 1927 kcal
    • Protein: 0g
    • Fat: 218g
    • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Coconut (1 tbsp, about 7g):
    • Calories: 50 kcal
    • Protein: 0.5g
    • Fat: 4.5g
    • Carbohydrates: 1.5g
  • Baking Powder (1 tsp, about 4g):
    • Calories: 2 kcal
    • Protein: 0g
    • Fat: 0g
    • Carbohydrates: 0.8g
  • Orange Juice (1 cup, about 240ml):
    • Calories: 112 kcal
    • Protein: 1.7g
    • Fat: 0.2g
    • Carbohydrates: 26g

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