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DIY Eyebrow Mascara at Home for Only 30 Cents

Eyebrow mascara is a cosmetic product that helps define the eyebrows and enhance facial features naturally. Its benefits include enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows and giving them fullness, which boosts self-confidence. Some types may contain nourishing ingredients that promote hair growth. As for the drawbacks, it can cause skin irritation or block hair follicles if used excessively or if it contains harsh chemicals. Also, failing to remove the mascara properly can lead to residue buildup, causing issues for both the skin and hair.


  • Fragrance-free hair gel from the pharmacy
  • Brown food coloring (or black, as desired)

ماسكارا الحواجبPreparation Method:

  1. Choose the Ingredients: Purchase fragrance-free hair gel and the food coloring of your choice (brown or black).

  2. Mixing: In a small bowl, place a small amount of hair gel and add two drops of food coloring. Mix them well until the color is evenly blended with the gel.

  3. Fill the Empty Mascara Tube: Use an empty syringe to draw up the prepared mixture, then transfer it into a well-sterilized empty mascara tube.

  4. Application: Use this homemade mascara to shape and define your eyebrows the way you prefer. You'll get results similar to those you achieve with commercial mascara but at a much lower cost.

Natural Ingredients and Their Benefits:

  • Cocoa Powder: Gives a warm brown color and contains antioxidants that nourish the eyebrows.
  • Black Tea: Provides a natural black color and is rich in tannins, which help strengthen eyebrow hair.
  • Aloe Vera Gel: Moisturizes the eyebrows and makes them appear shinier, along with its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Natural Oils: Oils like coconut oil or argan oil can be added to nourish the eyebrows and accelerate their growth.

ماسكارا الحواجب في المنزل بتكلفة ١٥ جنيها فقطAdditional Tips:

  • Cleaning & Sterilization: Wash the empty mascara brush thoroughly with warm water and soap, then sterilize it with alcohol before use.
  • Proper Storage: Store your homemade mascara in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Test Before Use: Before applying mascara to your entire eyebrows, test a small amount on a small area of skin to ensure there's no allergic reaction.
  • Periodic Renewal: Replace your homemade mascara every two to three months to maintain its quality.
  • Conclusion: With this simple method, you can make eyebrow mascara at home with the same quality as commercial products but at an affordable cost. Try it today and share your experience and feedback in the comments, and don't forget to like and share with others who care about beauty!

Note: This recipe is suitable for those looking for an economical and natural solution to shape and define their eyebrows naturally and effectively. It is not suitable for people who may have an allergy to any of the ingredients used in the recipe, and it is always recommended to perform a patch test on the hair gel and food coloring before full use.

Kirolos Reda

مرحبا بكم اسمي كيرلس رضا و لدي شغف بالمطبخ و ابتكار وصفات جديدة و معرفة كل المعلومات حول الطعام وكيفية الاستفادة من الطعام و الفاكهة ل بناء نظام صحي مفيد لصحة الانسان و لذلك قررت نشر كل ما لدي من الخبرة و تجارب علي هذه المدونة لكم و اتمني ان يكون هذه المعلومات مفيدة لكم

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