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Natural recipe to increase hair at the front of the head

Hair is an important part of a person's beauty, especially the front of the head, which is considered a sensitive area that requires special care to maintain its health and beauty. For this reason, many people have requested an effective recipe to promote hair growth in this area. This recipe is considered an ideal option to naturally stimulate hair growth. The recipe's ingredients combine the benefits of ground sidr, which helps strengthen hair follicles, and onion, which contains sulfur that enhances hair growth. Garlic is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals that stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, promoting faster hair growth. Additionally, this recipe contains ingredients rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which contribute to nourishing the scalp and improving its health, helping to increase hair density and protect it from falling.


  1. 3 tablespoons of ground sidr
  2. 1 finely chopped onion
  3. 2 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  4. 2 cups of water

وصفة لزيادة شعر مقدمة الراس

Preparation Method:

  1. In a pot on the stove, add the onion, garlic, and water, and let it boil.
  2. Once it starts boiling, add the sidr, then set the pot aside to cool.
  3. After the mixture cools, mix the ingredients well to get a smooth consistency.
  4. Apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it for an hour.
  5. Repeat using this recipe once a week for the best results.

وصفة طبيعية لزيادة شعر مقدمة الراس

Warning: This recipe is suitable for those looking for a natural solution to enhance hair growth, but it may not be suitable for people who are allergic to any of its ingredients.

Health Benefits for Skin from the Ingredients:

  • Ground Sidr: Sidr is considered a beneficial natural ingredient for the skin, as it contains powerful antioxidants that fight signs of aging and help regenerate skin cells. It also works to hydrate and deeply cleanse the skin, giving it a soft and clear appearance.
  • Onion: Onion contains vitamin C, which enhances skin health and acts as an antibacterial agent, helping to cleanse the skin and protect it from inflammation. The sulfur in onion also helps strengthen skin tissue and stimulates collagen production, contributing to skin rejuvenation.
  • Garlic: Garlic is a rich source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and B6, which enhance skin health and help remove impurities. Garlic also contains antibacterial and antifungal compounds, which promote skin health and protect it from infections.
  • Water: Water plays an important role in hydrating the skin and detoxifying it, which improves its overall appearance and gives it a natural glow

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I wash my hair with a specific shampoo after using the recipe?
Yes, it is recommended to wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo after using the recipe to remove any residue and prevent buildup on the scalp. A natural conditioner can also be used to maintain hair moisture.

How often should the recipe be used per week to see visible results?
For the best results, it is recommended to use the recipe once or twice a week for 6 to 8 weeks.

How can the mixture be stored, and can it be prepared in large quantities?

  • It is best to prepare a quantity sufficient for one use only to ensure its effectiveness.
  • If it must be prepared in advance, it can be stored in an airtight glass container in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
  • Make sure to mix it well before each use.

What if a person is allergic to onion or garlic?

  • Onion can be replaced with ginger juice, which contains antioxidants and properties that stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth.
  • Garlic can be replaced with castor oil, known for its exceptional ability to stimulate hair growth and thicken it.
  • Olive oil or coconut oil can also be used as alternative ingredients to moisturize the scalp and enhance hair health.

After how many weeks can results be noticed?

  • The recipe’s effect varies from person to person depending on hair type and growth rate.
  • Usually, initial results start appearing after 4 to 6 weeks of regular use.
  • After 8 to 12 weeks, a noticeable improvement in hair thickness and reduced hair loss can be observed.

Is the recipe suitable for all hair types?
Yes, this recipe is suitable for most hair types, including dry, oily, and combination hair. However, if the scalp is sensitive, it is recommended to test the mixture on a small area of the skin before use.

Can it be used for children or pregnant women?

  • It can be used for children over the age of 10, provided they have no allergies to any of the ingredients.
  • For pregnant women, it is advisable to consult a doctor before use, especially due to the presence of onion and garlic, which may cause sensitivity in some individuals.

Does the recipe cause an unpleasant smell in the hair, and how can it be removed?
Yes, onion and garlic may leave a strong odor in the hair. To eliminate it:

  • Rinse the hair with water mixed with a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
  • Use an essential oil such as lavender or peppermint oil after washing the hair.

Are there any side effects, such as hair dryness or scalp irritation?

  • Some people may feel a slight tingling or warmth due to the onion and garlic, which is normal.
  • If severe itching or redness occurs, stop using the recipe immediately and wash the hair thoroughly.
  • To prevent dryness, it is recommended to moisturize the hair with a natural oil after each use.
Kirolos Reda

مرحبا بكم اسمي كيرلس رضا و لدي شغف بالمطبخ و ابتكار وصفات جديدة و معرفة كل المعلومات حول الطعام وكيفية الاستفادة من الطعام و الفاكهة ل بناء نظام صحي مفيد لصحة الانسان و لذلك قررت نشر كل ما لدي من الخبرة و تجارب علي هذه المدونة لكم و اتمني ان يكون هذه المعلومات مفيدة لكم

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